Four Brothers Life Photography » Madison, WI area lifestyle photography for all of LIFE's chapters. Connect deeply. Live with intention. Feed your SOUL.

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Fire and Water must mean Spring

Spring clean up here today.   The creek is running, green is sparsely sprouting.  Muddy boots, but NO snow pants and mittens!  A Wisconsin March day in the 50’s means clearing the creek and burning the leaf piles from last fall to make room for new growth.

It is spring again.  The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart. |  Rainer Maria Rilke

Patrolling the leaf fires

Patrolling the leaf fires



Muddy fingers turned clean

Muddy fingers turned clean

Perils of being the littlest brother

Perils of being the littlest brother

If I huff and I puff . . .

If I huff and I puff . . .

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